Meet Our NSD's: Kendra Cross

Kendra Cross is a Sales Director for the Cross National Area.  I recently had the opportunity to speak with her about her Mary Kay Experience.

When did you first get involved in Mary Kay?
-1977.  I was a teacher and houseparent for emotionally-challenged adolescents.

What was the moment that you became not only involved in Mary Kay, but Passionate about Mary Kay?
-When I began working with Mary Kay, I wanted to make fifty dollars per week.  My husband I found out that we were about to have a child that we thought we'd never have.....and I wanted to be a work-at-home mom...not an out-of-the-home-all-the-time mom.  At that moment, my purpose became greater than my circumstances.

How have you been inspired by the life of Mary Kay Ash?  
-I actually had the good fortune of knowing her.   She trained my DIT class.  I had the privilege of traveling with her throughout my career.  Being with her really was a magical experience.  She set a gold standard that doesn't change.  Her legacy has greatly influenced my philosophy, which is "If God gives you the gift of leading women, then for God's sake lead."   

How has your life changed since Mary Kay became a part of your life?
-I believe that this is the land of opportunity, and this is the opportunity of the land.  My involvement in Mary Kay has helped me build my beliefs that in this life you should: Make as much money as you can, Pay your Debts, Invest for the Future, Live Below your means, and give generously. 

What is your favorite part of being involved in Mary Kay?
-Watching someone else get it, understand the possibilities, and have other success.  That is a paycheck of the heart that never gets old.  Each car represents lives impacted and it is evidence of that. 

How has the internet changed the way you do business?
-We used to have paper agreements that had to be sent in the mail, now we live in an age where information travels at autobahn speeds.  You need to use the internet, without letting the internet use you.  It can be a great ally, or your worst enemy. 

How much time do you spend online each day?
-About 2 hours 

What is your preferred way of contacting your unit?
-A combination of phone calls and emails. 

What Social Media do you use?

How would you describe the balance between your work and your personal life?
-Excellent!  To succeed, you need to find your perfect balance.  You need to figure that out early if you want to be able to do it long term.  I had some great mentors that modeled this perfectly for me. 

What are your keys to success?
-Unshakeable Belief in the Company

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
-I Love to Read!  I also enjoy being outdoors as much as possible.  I am mesmerized by wildlife.  I enjoy walking, and love bargain hunting.  

What Do you think about UnitWise?
-I love my website and guestbook 

What motivates/inspires you?
-The success of others 

What advice would you give directors and consultants?
-Don't Quit Ever!  It is very short-sighted to step out.  Quitting is like a band aid to a problem, it is not a fix to a problem.

On behalf of UnitWise and it's many users, I would like to thank NSD Kendra for the chance to talk with her.  It has been great to get to know you!  
-Charles (one of the Heroes at UnitWise)


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