Importing Purchase Orders from Intouch

To import your order from Intouch:

1.  Go to Inventory > Order from MK > Create Purchase Order 

2.  Click on Import from Intouch

A new window will open and display instructions with an Enter URL field.

3.  Open another internet browser tab and login to Intouch and go to Order Status and locate your order. If you cannot locate your order in Order Status, you can go to Business Tools > My Business > My Order History and locate your order there.
4.  Then, click on the (shipped) link next to the order, once the order opens copy the URL or web address and paste it into the Enter URL box in UnitWise. Click Import Products

5.  Once you have imported the products into the Purchase Order, you will need to select an account to Pay From. This will NOT charge you any amount and is only here to ensure your UnitWise Accounts reflect your actual bank accounts. If you do not remember your payment form or do not keep accurate account records in UnitWise, you can select any account and transfer funds at a later date.
6.  Once you have selected the Pay From account, enter the Amount. This amount must equal the Total Cost of the order. Click Save

7.  After your Purchase Order has been saved, you will then need to click the gray box Click Here to Confirm Order with Intouch.

NOTE: Before you can add the products to your inventory, you must first receive them. If you have not yet received the products, it is recommended that you do not move on to the next step unless you have the products on hand in order to avoid any inventory inaccuracies.

8.  If you have the products on hand while creating and importing the Purchase Order, you can click on Receive Products

If you saved the Purchase Order previously and have just now received your products, go to Inventory > Order from MK and click on Receive Products.

9.   If you have received all products, click Receive All & Save. If you are missing products from your order, enter which you have received and click Save.

Here's a video for further reference:


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