Keep Your Customer Information Secure!

As an Independent Beauty Consultant or Director, your business is always on the go because you are on the go.  This means that your transactions are occurring at many different locations; you may sell products at your home, a client's home, a party, etc.  Since your business has you traveling everywhere, wouldn't it be great to manage your business from anywhere?  

With UnitWise, you can do exactly that!  UnitWise is the only MK Business Management program out there that is fully integrated with ProPay!  This allows you to charge and securely store customer credit cards within your UnitWise account via ProPay.  When a credit card is added to a customer's account, it is automatically stored securely in ProPay's exclusive Protect Pay system.  

This way, your credit card information for each customer is secure.  There is no need to put your clients at risk by keeping their private information on your computer or on a piece of paper on your desk.  It is incredibly dangerous to keep credit card numbers saved to a desktop based system!  If you are saving credit card information in the Notes Section of a Desktop program, you are running a huge risk!  If your computer is stolen or remotely hacked, all of your customer's credit card data would be accessible.  This type of breach would leave you responsible and liable for all damages.

To keep this information secure in UnitWise, it is automatically stored in ProPay and after the information is added, you will only be able to see the last 4 digits of each card in UnitWise.

This seamless integration with ProPay allows you to create sales receipts and invoices in UnitWise, then charge them directly to a customer's credit card.  This can even be done from any smartphone using - the mobile version of UnitWise.  Just login to from any iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, or tablet and get going.  You can create a sales receipt and charge credit cards from anywhere using UnitWise.

Click HERE to Get Started with 30 days Free by using the Promo Code: PROMO2012

Learn How to Create an Invoice from your Smartphone & Charge Directly through ProPay!


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