Email Marketing Tips - Part One

Sending Email Marketing Campaigns with UnitWise can be a great way to stay in touch with your clients, team members, preferred customers, etc.  In order for your email campaigns to be successful, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Be Direct
Just like you, your readers are busy people who receive many emails each day.  Email inboxes can become so overloaded that many emails receive little more than a quick glance before they are deleted.  To ensure that your message is seen, you need to make sure your subject and opening line are direct and captivating.

Make it Scannable
Thanks to smartphones & tablets, people are checking their email from anywhere.  With this in mind, it is safe to assume that you don't have their undivided attention.  Instead of writing in one large chunk, divide your content into short paragraphs with individual headings.  You could also keep your emails short & sweet by adding a "Read More" link and connecting it to your UnitWise Blog or a special page on your website.

Send Content They Want
Don't just send all of your contacts the same email.  With UnitWise, we offer the ability to create unlimited contact groups.  This means that you don't have to send your Customer emails to your Unit, or vice versa.  You can create separate contact groups for customer groups, team members, contacts, and more.

Respect the Unsubscribers
If someone unsubscribes from your email marketing, or sends an email asking to be removed from your list, make sure that they are opted-out of email contact via UnitWise.  This can be done individually from the Customer Center or from the Bulk Edit Page.  Continuing to send unwarranted emails to people who have requested to be unsubscribed is a violation of Anti-Spam laws.

Stay Tuned for More Email Marketing Tips & Tricks throughout the coming weeks.  
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