
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, the extensive array of holiday delights can cause post-holiday remorse. By implementing a few simple tips you can stay healthy through the holiday season.

Tip #1. Eat a balanced breakfast, instead of skipping your morning meal to save room for dinner. You may end up overeating in the late afternoon and your energy level will also be very low if you skip meals. 

Tip #2. Don't worry about losing weight. Just focus on maintaining your current weight until January. With all the rich homemade food and seasonal candy it is common to overindulge. Dieting in this environment can lead to misery. So forgive yourself for that extra cookie, and spread some holiday cheer.        
Tip #3. You will eat a lot less if you use a smaller plate. Avoid overindulging by sampling smaller portions on a smaller plate. You will eat less and not waste any of the delicious holiday delights.

Tip#4. To lower your chances of becoming sick, make sure you get plenty of Vitamin C to help boost your immune system. Be sure to wash your hands frequently to limit the transfer of bacteria when coming into contact with food & holiday guests. No one wants to spend the holidays sneezing and coughing.

Tip#5.     Moisturize with Mary Kay Skin Care! This time of year is when added moisture is most needed due to winter weather. Cold air & bitter winds lack humidity and dry up natural oils in your skin, causing it to lose moisture.This leads to rough cracked skin that can feel tight & uncomfortable,not to mention making your skin look dull and dry. 

Tip#6. Take a Vitamin D supplement. With all the wet, dreary, winter weather few are adventurous enough to stay outside for long. Most people become vitamin D deficient in the winter time due to less exposure to the sun. * Vitamin D is essential for the formation, growth, and repair of bones and for normal calcium absorption and immune function. Vitamin D also boosts metabolism functions helping you maintain and lose weight.

Tip#7. Prevent stress by shopping ahead of time. A frenzied trip to the department store on Christmas Eve can cause heightened stress levels, which can lead to lower cognitive function, emotional instability & physical distress.

Tip#8. For those days when you simply cannot get to the gym, try to be as active as possible. If you go shopping, park at the end of the lot. Also take the stairs instead of escalators or elevators. 

Tip#9. Keep your current bedtime. When on a break from work or school, it can be easy to stay up later since you can sleep in the next day. When you don’t get enough sleep your mental and physical health is at risk.  Avoid disrupting your sleep cycle by waking up at your regular time. 

Tip#10. Drink responsibly, this applies to caffeinated beverages as well as alcohol. A special trip to get a latte ***** may seem like a good idea, but it can actually lead to an energy crash and dehydration (not to mention extra calories). For adult beverages, drink in moderation and alternate with water and food.                      

* Information provided by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
***** There are an average of 510 calories/200 calories from fat in most 16oz latte beverages.


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