The Big Pink Push

                                                     Photo Courtesy of CBS 11 News

The iconic Pink Cadillac that Mary Kay awards their sales directors is the ultimate symbol of success. Mary Kay offers american-made cars: Cadillac-SRX, Cadillac-CTS, Chevy Equinox, Toyota Camry, Chevy Cruze, and a Ford Mustang, as a reward for different levels of sales volume and team building. But how did this come about? Mary Kay began providing pink cars as incentive to their top independent Sales Directors in 1969. The car’s unique hue was chosen to reflect Mary Kay’s palette colors. The bright pink colored cars were replaced with a more pearlized tone in 1998. In September, 100 pink Cadillacs assembled near the Dallas headquarters to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mary Kay Inc.

Many new consultants ask themselves, “How do I achieve this iconic car?” For directors, they must sell *$48,000 in a quarter then continue to earn a total *$96,000 for two consecutive quarters. This qualifies the director to either accept a cash reward or a 2 year lease of the pink car. A director must also maintain this level of sales to keep their Cadillac.

Are you on your way to achieving a pink Cadillac? Many of UnitWise users have achieved the Pink Cadillac status (some, many times over). So, how did they achieve this goal? We interviewed Cleta Colson, Future Executive Senior Sales Director, who gave future Cadillac owners some great advice:

UW: Why did you begin to sell for Mary Kay?
CC:  I signed up right after college to make an extra $50 a month.  I had no idea how much I would enjoy my new business and how fun and easy it would be to make money.  After my first week in sales of $400 and making more than my 40 hour week job paycheck in only 3 parties, I was hooked for life!!!

UW: For how long have you been with MK?
CC: I have been in for 28 years and a Sales Director for almost 25 years.

UW: When did you receive your first pink Cadillac?
CC: I won my first Cadillac in 1992, my goal was to win one before I was 30 years old.  I made it with one month to spare!

UW: How did you achieve the required sales requirement?
CC: I set a goal for the car and actually did a huge Goal poster shared with another Director in the shape of a pink car with refrigerator boxes.  Above it we wrote THE BIG PINK PUSH. We both tracked our production each month moving a car along a track that went from the front of the car to the back.  It was fun going for it together! She (Debra Bishop) and I held ourselves accountable by keeping each other encouraged.  Working with my unit was so exciting as we got closer and closer. We did start out with Cadillac production ($16,000 wholesale) most people don't.  You work up to it and increase monthly.  I personally recruited 6 qualified to help with the bonus $600 you get for each and made sure I brought guests to my own meetings and helped my consultants move up! We debuted a Sales Director at the same time who won her first car... And that girl was my sister!!  Exciting times for sure.  The victory was sweet as Debra and I picked up our first Cadillacs and both of our offspring picked up their first car the same day!! It's worth the PINK push!!!  Now after 10 Pink Cadillacs I can't think of driving anything else.

UW: What advice would you give to new consultants?
CC: To not wait to be great! Find those first 3 power partners (team members) your first week!  It's more fun to do it with a friend! Also to do your Power Start- 30 faces in 30 days- to allow yourself time to get your skills down. DIQ DIQ Do It Quick!!!!  Also, take advantage of your Sales Director and her skills by learning and listening to her advice. Bring friends with you to every event and let your director and sister consultants help you build your team!  Never give up and keep a positive attitude no matter what!!  Welcome to a company who's main goal is to help YOU be successful!! You can do it!
                                                         Photo courtesy of Mary Kay

 *Figures provided are listed on the Mary Kay Career Car Program Guidelines.


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