Top 5 Ways To Use Pinterest For Your MK Business

#1 - Plan for Pinning Success
  • Put in the time to set up your account properly and jot down what you think you will be using your account for to act as a guide. Decide whether you want your own name or your unit name to be what viewers will associate with the account. Don’t forget to set up the links to your website and social media channels on your profile, so viewers can move seamlessly between platforms.
  • Integrate all your social media platforms. You can easily add Pinterest sharing buttons and apps to other social media platforms, such as Facebook. Call-to-action words are great to add to your Google+, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn to gain more followers on your Pinterest page!
  • When setting up your initial “Boards”, choose topics or categories that reflect your business values, culture, interests, products and services. Get creative with your Board Names.
#2 - Check the Source Before You Pin
  •  Be Copyright Smart. Read the fine print first. It might take an extra few seconds, but it adds a degree of credibility to your page.
  • Always double check the source of the Pin. This is very important. When re-pinning, click before you repin to see if pins are sourced from a legitimate website. If content has been “re-sourced” with a false URL to another site, you shouldn’t repin it. 
#3 - Pin Strategically
  • Pin across a range of Boards. Add pins gradually, and create new boards as you feel necessary. Be creative with your board names, captions and pins.
  • Follow, Follow, Follow. Start following users and/or individual boards that are of interest to you. By following and engaging with users and repinning their content, you will begin to build your own community of followers.
  • Space your pins. Don’t do a pin dump! Pinterest is unlike Facebook and Twitter where the feed-time is limited. Pins will remain in view for days or weeks due to the cyclical nature of their exposure. Pinning for a few minutes a couple of times per day is enough to get you started.
  • Time your pins. Take note of the times when your fans are pinning - be flexible, and if all else fails, 2-4pm and at night are popular for pinning according to Pinterest.
#4 - Be Social
  • Comment and Like. Just like you would socialize on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Google+, be sure to comment on and Like the pins of other users and businesses.
  • Use Names and Tags to make your page more personable. Use @tags to notify the user you are engaging with. Hashtags (#) are used to highlight keywords that will lead viewers to your page when searched. By using names and tags, you can stand out among the large majority of Pinterest users and create engaging boards.
  • Remember to Say Thank You. This is a forgotten art on Pinterest and other social media channels. Regularly check your Re-pins and visit the boards of people who have repinned your content and make the effort to thank them for repinning. Just like RTs on Twitter, or Shares on Facebook, the Repin is a valuable thing.
#5 - Produce Visual Content
  • Choose great images for your boards. Having interesting, engaging, quality images will most likely get your content repinned. Include photos, infographics, videos and text. Don’t forget that text is important to accompany your pins.
  • Make pinners want to click on your pin by making them simple, visual, and clear. Experiment with size by mixing in taller pins to give your board a visually appealing look.


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