Announcing UnitWise Francais

You have come to the UW Blog at a monumental moment in UnitWise History.
UnitWise Is Now International and the UW Heroes proudly introduce to you…….       
Let all your MK friends know UnitWise Francais provides all the benefits of Unitwise in French. Build up your referrals and refer your Canadian sisters to UnitWise Francais, or UnitWise Canada, for a complimentary 30-day free trial with promo code: CANADA

More about UnitWise:
UnitWise helps you quickly organize your customers, inventory, accounting, social media, and create a custom website to keep Directors & Consultants up-to-date on everything going on in your unit. UnitWise provides you with a unique email marketing feature to help your business grow and succeed. It’s a convenient, safe and secure way of doing business, on any computer, any time.

Call the support Heroes for more information at 704.666.2467 or Email us at  

Like us on Facebook: UnitWise Francais and Follow us on twitter: @UWFrancais.


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