How To: Getting Her to LOOK at your Look Book

Well hopefully you do, how else are you supposed to impress potential customers? The only problem with carrying around catalogs is they can get a little wrinkled in your bag; you don’t want to give a potential customer a less-than-perfect catalog. Here are some great tips to add glam and class to your presentation:
Pristine & Clean
A wonderful trick to keeping your book pristine is putting it in a self-sealing cellophane bag. You can find them in an array of cute designs at (I went ahead and linked to the size you need for your book,which is 7x11. did not ask me to write about their product, I just thought they had the best design selection and price options.) They come in packs of 10 or 100 and keep your Look Book protected. And when you pull it out of your bag to present to a potential customer, you look professional and polished.
Something Unique
Along with your catalog, it’s a great idea to add one of your MK AtPlay flyers - whomever you meet might have a daughter or know someone that would love the AtPlay line. Don’t forget to include your business card, as well as stamping the book (easy to use Stamps can be purchased on MK connections).
To really go the extra mile and make ladies feel special, you could add a coupon or some samples - something to make them remember you and become your favorite customer. Some Consultants will include a hand written quote with their card and a coupon. It’s just sweet and further highlights how much you want them to feel special.
Protecting your MK catalog insures that when your potential customer takes it and throws it in her bag, you know it will stay nice and neat with all your contact information. If you have any great tips on presenting your Look Book when you’re out on the town, please comment below.
Oh before I forget, have you downloaded your free UnitWise App yet? The UW app keeps you connected to your UnitWise account wherever you are, don’t wait any longer to have your MK information at your fingertips - download it for your Android tablet or iPad today!
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