7 Ways to Encourage, Lead, and Inspire Your Unit

We’ve all heard it before! “You’re only as good as your team members.” Because, as a leader, it’s your job to keep your team motivated and encouraged to make those sales.

Being a leader of your Unit requires a lot of work, a good amount of attention to detail, and dedication to your team. And, it’s not always as easy as it seems, which is why we put together a list of seven ways to help encourage, lead, and inspire your Unit.  

1. Quit Micromanaging

You got to where you are because of your hard work and dedication. You have a preferred way of making sales, talking with potential customers, and organizing your business. That doesn’t mean the way that your Unit members handle their Mary Kay business is wrong. It’s important to give your Unit members instructions, but it’s equally important to step back and let them do the job. You don’t need to stand over their shoulder, no need to micromanage.

2. Be Yourself. Be Personable

Gaining the position of Director or NSD has already garnered the respect of many. You don’t have to come across as the tough leader to your Unit members to get them to sell more products. Nor do you have to act more strict to establish your role in the Unit. Let your Unit members know they can come to you at any time if they have problems or concerns. Your role should be their guide, offering suggestions when needed.

3. Show All the Right Emotions

You work for one of the most energetic companies out there, and it’s important that you stress that mentality to your Unit members. And the best way to do that is by replicating that yourself! Show emotions, be happy, get excited, smile, laugh, and have fun with your Unit. When they see you enjoying what you do, they’ll feel the same.

4. Ask Questions

Seems strange to suggest that you ask your Unit members questions to keep them motivated, but how will you ever know what someone is struggling with, if they’re happy, etc. if you don’t ask, right? When you ask questions you’re letting your team see that you are here for their best interest, and that their happiness is important to you, giving them the confidence to work harder.  

5. Help with Growth

We all have different strategies when it comes to talking to potential customers, to talk about the products, and to make the sale. Embrace the difference in each of your Unit members, but be there with suggestions to always help them grow. You don’t need to point out when one of your Unit members doesn’t handle a sale correctly. Simply explain to them what they need to improve on and offer advice. Remind them that you are here to help them succeed.

6. Involvement

The world and people’s wants change every single day, making it a challenge to keep up with sales trends. But that doesn’t mean the weight of knowing the best strategies falls only on your shoulders. You have an entire Unit of people who can give you fresh ideas on how to change up sales tactics. So get them involved and have regular brainstorming sessions to always have new ideas, but also to keep your team feeling encouraged.

7. Be There

One of the biggest ways to keep your Unit members encouraged and inspired is to be there for them. When they need help, when they need suggestions, or when they need questions answered, be the one that is there to help. To keep your Unit members inspired to work hard every day, you have to be available for them to lean on when they need it. And one of the best ways you can do that is with the new MyUnitBuzz app from UnitWise. With this free app, you can send customizable messages and push notifications to your Unit members’ smartphone. Always keeping them informed, encouraged, and connected with you.

Keep up the great work Directors and NSDs, you’re doing an amazing job with an amazing group of people. It doesn’t take much to stay motivated and confident; just a little encouragement is all that’s needed.

Do you have any tips on keeping your Unit members encouraged, motivated, and inspired? If so, let us know in the comment section below or share it with us on our Facebook page. As always, thanks for being a valued member of UnitWise. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to let us know. We’re here to help you 24/7. Give us a call 704.234.6006 or email us at heroes@unitwise.com.  


  1. A comment for Directors from a consultant: remember you folks who live out of town. I have not heard from my Director in over a year, but she calls one of my team members simply to ask when she is going to place an order. If I didn't have loyal customers who order from me, I would have quit a long time ago. Maybe that's why the dropout rate is so high.


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