Fool-Proof Ways to Sell Better Than You Did Last Year

It’s the start of the new year, meaning there are new goals to set, accomplishments to have, and sales records to beat. Do you and your Unit have a game plan ready for how you’re going to tackle this year and make it the best one yet? Well if you haven’t, don’t panic. We’re here with a few fool-proof ways to help you sell more products than you did last year. Intrigued to learn more? Keep reading!

Give Value

Have you ever heard the expression, “she can sell snow to a snowman”? It’s a saying used to compliment someone’s selling skills. But when you think about the phrase, is it really a compliment? It reflects this stereotypical portrayal of salespeople as sneaky and selling valueless (unwanted) products.

Luckily for you, though, you sell products for a company that strives for high-quality and the best value. Mary Kay offers industry-leading makeup products, and skincare solutions that help women (and men) feel better about themselves every day. So when it comes to increasing your sales, don’t try to push every type of product on a customer. Find the one that is of value to them, because in the end, it’s the value of the products that will have customers wanting to buy from you again and again.

Offer the Solution

When it comes to makeup and skincare, not all products are created the same. They do not offer the same coverage or help correct the same problem areas. But not all of your customers are aware of this, leaving you with the task of convincing them why your product is worth the price. So how do you do it?

Offer your customers the solution! For example, say your customer is searching for a product that will help cover all of the redness in her skin. Offer her the product that is designed to specifically cover redness. And while you’re at it, tell her how this product is different than any other product of this nature on the market. Challenge your customer’s perception about makeup being created the same. Show her why Mary Kay is worth it (every single time).

Always Be Honest

Although we just advised you to offer your customers the solution, be sure to remain honest. Mary Kay offers fantastic products that are designed and tested to give your customers proven results, so why enhance any of the product’s quality?

Be honest with your customers. If you don’t know the answers to their questions, let them know you aren’t quite sure and that you’ll find the answer for them. It’s OK to admit you don’t know, or that a product doesn’t do something. People are more inclined to still purchase products from you when you’re honest, even though there might be shortcomings.

Pay Attention

You’ve heard of reading people’s body language, right? Well, it’s one of those few traits you need to have when in the business of selling products. Why, you ask? There are several different types of people in the world, all with different personalities and social interactions. How you sell a product to one person might be entirely different from the other. Pay attention to your customer’s actions and teach your Unit a variety of selling techniques and approaches that are geared to different types of people: introverts and extroverts.

Don’t Show Desperation

So you really want this sell, but you’re just not having any luck. The customer is mostly browsing and asking a couple of questions, but showing no signs of making a purchase. Pretty frustrating, right? Well, if you’re getting frustrated therein lies the problem. You’re seeing customers as dollar signs rather than people you’re here to help. The makeup and skincare products you’re selling are to help improve people's lives, make them happier, and help them feel confident, not just for making a profit.

Switch the thinking, and show your customers that you’re here to help them, not the other way around. Don’t get desperate and try to force products on your customers. Show them what will help them the most, and I promise, not only will you make the sell, but you’ll also have a repeat customer. 

So are you ready to go out there and make this your best selling year yet? We can’t wait! And remember, while you’re making all of those sales, keep up with all of your expenses with UnitWise. It’s the business management solution designed exclusively for Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants, Directors, and NSDs. And it’s free for the first 15 days!


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