Video: 6 Expert Tips to Get the Sun-Kissed Bronze Look All Winter Long
It’s finally January, which means one thing—only two more months of winter. Sarcastic yay! Well, fear not. Although winter is going strong, you can still achieve that sun-kissed bronze goddess. Keep reading to find out our six expert tips on staying sun-kissed all winter long.
1. One Shade Darker
To start off your bronze look, choose a concealer/foundation that is one shade darker than your typical color. Blend it evenly onto your face and neck! You want to ensure your face and your neck match and that there are no visible lines.
2. Select the Perfect Color
Did you know that bronze came in different colors? Well it most certainly does and to get that perfect bronze look, you’ll need to pick out the perfect one for your skintone. For example, if you have very fair skin, choose a bronzer that is lighter in color with a touch of shimmer to give a more realistic sun-kissed look.
3. Dusting of Bronze
Working in a circular motion, lightly dust bronzer to your cheekbones, nose, temples, and your chin. You want to apply bronzer to areas that the sun naturally touches. It’s a common misconception that to get a sunkissed look you need to apply bronzer all over your face. A little bit of bronzer has serious transformative powers.
4. Brush Techniques for High Cheekbones
Want to know how celebrities get that perfect high cheekbone look? It’s all about how you apply bronzer. After you’ve dusted bronzer on the main sun-kissed area you’ll want to make your bronzer brush more narrow by squeezing the brush. Dust it along the hollows of your cheeks, and watch it give a dramatic change to your cheekbones.
5. Narrow Your Nose Bridge
Not only can bronzer give you high cheekbones and a sun-kissed appearance, it can also narrow the appearance of your facial features, like your nose. With a small slanted brush, apply bronzer along the edge of your nose on each side. If you want to shorten your nose, you can also apply bronzer to the tip of it. Pretty amazing, right?
6. Highlighting
OK, this one doesn’t have much to do with bronzer, but highlighting is pretty important too. After you’ve applied and sun-kissed your beautiful skin with bronzer, add some highlighting makeup to really make it pop. We suggest adding some highlights right above your cheekbone, your chin, forehead, and down the bridge of your nose. It will help give you the sun-kissed goddess look you’ll want all winter long.
When it comes to applying bronzer, there are so many tips and techniques to try. And since we couldn’t include all of them ourselves, we wanted our favorite Mary Kay makeup stylist, Diana Carreiro, to show your some more. Check out this video for more great tips to get the perfect sun-kissed look!
And for more great makeup and skincare tips be sure to stay tuned to UnitWise. UnitWise is the business management solution designed exclusively for Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants, Directors, and NSDs. Think it sounds like something you want to try for the new year? Try a free 15-day trial of UnitWise on us. We promise, you’ll love what we have to offer.
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