One Unit, One App, Total Connection

Every summer Dallas becomes loud and proud when Mary Kay NSDs, sales directors, beauty consultants, unit members flock to Seminar. This exciting four-day event celebrates everyone associated with Mary Kay with outstanding awards and entertainment.

Seminar is the place for directors and unit members to catch up on company news, refresh their business tips, and learn about new products. Seminar includes top-notch career and leadership conferences filled with workshops, motivational speakers, and classes.

With the MyUnitBuzz app, which is free for UnitWise directors, you can communicate with your unit on the go, from anywhere. That way you get the most out of Seminar.

How Does MyUnitBuzz Improve Communication?

The MyUnitBuzz app is designed for NSDs and sales directors, like yourself, who are notoriously busy—especially during Seminar. Download the app to your smartphone or tablet to instantly contact your unit at any time, no matter where you are, without running up your phone bill and without mixing business texts with personal texts.

With the messaging feature, you can send a quick message to one of your unit members, or to your entire team all at once. Just pull out your phone, a within a few seconds you'll contact your unit in a matter of seconds. You can tell them where to meet you for lunch or remind them about an upcoming guest speaker.

If you see something at Seminar that you don’t want anyone to miss, record it! With MyUnitBuzz you can instantly send photos, videos, and important documents to your unit all at once! No one will miss out on any of the fun and education.


Celebrate Seminar With MyUnitBuzz

You did it! You had another successful year selling Mary Kay products, and directing your team. It’s time to celebrate at Seminar, as well as refresh your mind with new, proven business tips. Best of all, you got the most out of Seminar by saving time with MyUnitBuzz.


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