How Beauty Consultants Relax


As a member of the beauty consultant industry, you work hard. You’re out there getting new recruits, sales, and leads. On top of that, you’re managing your unit and training new members. Plus, you can’t forget to keep up with your inventory, receipts, bills, and more! Some days you can get stressed out and get stuck in go mode, causing you to get tense and stay up all night! Learn how to destress and unwind at the end of the day with our relaxation tips.


How To Relax After Work

When you get home, make sure that you’ve left your work at the office. Turn off your phone and ignore your emails. It’s perfectly fine to enter your do not disturb mode to unwind and focus on yourself after a long day.

If you’re in for the night then change as soon as you get home. Take off your heels and put on the slippers. Nothing helps a person relax more than their favorite pair of comfy pants. From yoga tights to sweats, wear whatever you feel best in.

A great way to destress is by working out a little. You don’t have to join a gym or go for a run. Simply walking around the block, stretching, and practicing yoga will get your blood flowing. As you gently work your muscles the tension, stress, and anxiety will be relieved. Plus, working out causes your body to produce endorphins so you’ll be in a better mood.

By getting out and walking you’ll be in nature. Seeing plants and animals, as well as breathing the fresh clean air that plants provide is a great way to relax and feel better.

However, you don’t have to get moving to relax. You can stay still and treat yourself to a nice soak in a hot shower or bath. There are a variety of bath bombs with relaxing scents like lavender and bath salts that will soothe your body and mind. There’s no harm in lighting your favorite candles in the bathroom as well.

Take some time to pamper yourself with your favorite sugar scrub or face mask. The minerals in these items will leave you feeling refreshed. Plus, the act of taking care of yourself will boost your mood.

Speaking of yourself, remember to indulge in "you" time. Make time for one of your favorite activities. Maybe you like to cook, maybe you like to watch reality tv, or maybe you like to read romance novels. Whatever your ‘you time’ activity is, we won’t judge. Have fun!

Sometimes when things are all business we can get a little stressed out, that’s why it’s a good idea to call or meet up with a friend for a chat. Catch up and make jokes to get your mind off work for a while. Maybe you can even talk about what’s been stressing you out to get it off your chest. While you’re with your BFF it might be a good time to unwind with a glass of wine too.

Another great way to relax is by meditating. You can take a few moments to sit still and clear your mind, or you can listen to relaxing music to lose yourself in the beat. There are also a number of guided meditation apps you can listen to.


If You Don’t Have Time...

There are times when life gets incredibly busy and you may not have the time to stop and relax. Luckily we have techniques that relieve stress fast.

Oftentimes people carry a lot of stress and tension in their jaw. To relieve this stress try stretching your mouth and moving your jaw back and forth. You can also chew some gum to loosen your jaw up.
Get some tea. In the office, at home, or through a cafe drive trough, grab a soothing cup of hot tea to relax. Chamomile, lavender, peppermint, and lemon teas all will help you calm down a little so you can focus.

Go to the bathroom for a few minutes to clear your mind. Touch up your makeup or check out what’s happening on social media. Even only taking a few moments for yourself can really turn your day around.

Think positive. Focus on what’s currently going well and recent achievements. This way you’ll be able to turn your stressful mood into a positive one and reinforce your confidence. Don’t worry girl, you got this.

Listen to something you enjoy. Put on your favorite playlist or podcast and turn the rest of the world out for a while. This way your mind will get taken off of what’s stressing you out so you can get in your productive zone.


Work Hard, Relax Hard!

Keep it up! You’re doing great. Even though your beauty consultant career is going great, there can still be long days that leave you feeling stressed and frazzled. Remember to take a break so you can relax and recharge.

For more beauty consultant tips visit and share your favorite ways to relax in the comment section below.

*Content found in the UnitWise blog is for informational purposes only. UnitWise is an independent business with no affiliation to Mary Kay®. 


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