Mind-Blowing Ways Facebook Live Can Increase Your Sales

Facebook live-steaming is likely the most exciting new MK sales trend in 2018! Here are some mind-blowing ways Facebook Live can increase your sales fast!

Mind-Blowing Ways Facebook Live Can Increase Your Sales Independent Beauty Consultants and Directors can now host Facebook Lives to connect with clients and fellow consultants on a social media platform they are familiar with and frequently visit. Facebook Live posts get top priority in NewsFeeds, meaning your videos will appear higher when your friends or followers get online.

MK Facebook Party Consultants can live-stream from their event page and share MK products, explain the benefits of MK, pick client prize winners, and even share their website with clients. This is a much better experience for guests than previous Facebook parties.

Unit Recognition Use Facebook Live on your units page to give shout outs, share goals, and welcome new consultants. Try implementing a consistent schedule with a cute or fun theme, such as Motivation Monday, Terrific Tuesday, and Winner Wednesday. This way everyone will know when to tune in.

Hostess Recognition

Cross-promote your live stream and MK party by announcing your Hostess of the Month (or Week) on your group or business page. Or step up your game by starting a Top Hostesses Club for parties with more than $500 in sales. Invite Top Hostesses to a VIP Facebook Live to recognize them and share their experiences with your clients and consultants.

New Products, Tutorials, and Tips Use Facebook Live to get the word out about a new catalog and/or products. Ask questions or take a poll to get conversations started. Encourage your viewers to share a little about themselves or what makeup products they couldn’t live without.

More MK Career Advice After you finish your first Facebook Live, you will be asked if you would like to autosave your broadcast. You should always choose to save the video so you can repurpose your video and upload it to YouTube.

Your Heroes at UnitWise hope you found this post helpful and informative. Like, comment, and share this post with your unit to help with their growth. It is crucial for each person in your unit to know and understand the importance of Facebook Live and how it can impact the reach of their businesses.

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