4 Easy DIY Beauty Treatments To Try This Weekend

We are all stuck at home more than we would like to be these days, but that doesn’t have to translate into a boring weekend. This also doesn’t mean that we have to let self-care go out the window. After all, it is easier to hide your tired skin or split ends over Zoom, right? Wrong! 

These great at-home treatments will leave you feeling refreshed, plus you can probably find many of the ingredients lying around your pantry right now!

Stay tuned for some super-easy DIY beauty treatments with great benefits!

Lip Scrubs

Chapped lips are the bane of everyone’s existence. Well, that may be a bit over dramatic, but they are both uncomfortable and unsightly. If you are a lover of lipstick (who isn’t?), especially those with matte, drying formulas, a lip scrub is a great idea. 

You can easily use these scrubs to buff away dryness. Try using a toothbrush or your fingers to apply, then massage into your lips and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Then rinse off for instantly fresher lips!

The Sugar Lip Scrub

1 tsp brown sugar 

1 tsp honey

Did you know that honey has both soothing and moisturizing properties? It is also a natural antibacterial ingredient. Sugar is a natural exfoliant. Be sure to use brown sugar over regular sugar as it is less processed and provides a softer exfoliation. 

The Coffee Lip Scrub 

1tsp coffee grounds

½  tsp honey

½ tsp olive oil

Did you know that coffee grounds have natural exfoliating properties as well? Remember that the next time you are about to toss them! If you are a coffee lover or someone who enjoys the scent of coffee, this one's for you! This will give you an automatic “pick-me up” when you apply it in the morning. 

Hair Masks

Our hair works hard for us! It puts up with heat, chemicals, and styling tools. If your hair is feeling a bit dull lately, try a hair mask! These DIY hair masks will nourish your hair and scalp in just 20-30 minutes. 

Pumpkin Mask

½ cup of pumpkin puree

¼ cup of coconut oil

You might associate pumpkin with your pumpkin spice latte or a delicious pie on Thanksgiving, but it actually has nourishing ingredients that will give your hair a boost of moisture. Coconut oil helps to strengthen your hair against breakage and the dreaded split ends. 

Yogurt Mask

¼ cup of plain yogurt

½ cup of sweet potatoes

3 tbsp of honey

This mask might also remind you of Thanksgiving, it uses the richness of sweet potatoes to nourish your hair. Did you know that sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin A? This promotes hair growth and elasticity. Why yogurt? It’s not just good in your smoothie, it’s acidic properties help remove build up on your scalp. 

There you have it, your own at-home selection of spa services! See? Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. Being a beauty consultant doesn’t have to be complicated either, just sign up for Unitwise!

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