How Your Diet Affects Your Skin


You are what you eat!

Your skin truly is a reflection of your overall health. The way you eat not only affects your weight and how you feel but there are several ways your diet affects your skin. Eating a healthy diet is an ‘inside-out” approach to having radiant skin. Here at UnitWise, we want to share a few tips to improve your complexion and understand how your diet affects your skin.

Chronic Dryness:

If you find yourself with dry and cracked skin on a constant basis put down the bottle of lotion; we need to fix this problem from the inside out. Your body may not be getting the nutrients it needs. Moisturizing is a vital part of caring for your skin, however, eating a balanced diet is just as important. If you’re not eating enough healthy fats, your body lacks important fatty acids.

Nuts and olive oil are great examples of healthy fats that help your body absorb nutrients and keep your skin moist and supple. Also not drinking the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day can cause dryness.

Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated during the summer is extremely important. When you sweat, your body relies on fluids to remove toxins from your skin. Health authorities recommend 2 liters or half a gallon of water a day. Also, keep in mind that carbonated soft drinks dehydrate you. Because they contain sugar and caffeine, it does not replace any of the fluids you are losing from sweating.

Also try avocados, unsweetened coconut milk, and fish for a great source of omega-3s.


Whether you have wrinkles or not be careful to consider how much refined “white” carbohydrates and sugars you’re eating. Yes, eventually we will all look like our parents, but luckily with healthy eating, we can put that off as long as possible!

Surprisingly many people have wrinkles caused by having low collagen production. The elasticity of your skin is determined by proteins, collagens, and elastic lying just under the surface. No matter your age sugars cause damage by eating away at the collagen in your cells. Once damaged your collagen and elastin become weak and dry causing signs of age such as wrinkles and skin sagging. So to keep those wrinkles at bay limit your intake of refined sugars.

To prevent wrinkles or help restore your skin, focus on eating foods high in protein. Fish contain omega-3 acids and high protein levels which will help your body build collagen and elastin.

Salmon and trout are fatty fish that contain high levels of omega-3s and protein.


I don't know about anyone else, but I always thought when I was an adult I would never deal with breakouts again. I was sadly mistaken. As teenagers the major culprit for acne was hormonal changes; now as adults, we need to look at our diet.

Eating a diet high in starchy foods and sugars causes your blood sugar to rise, pretty understandably. However, when your blood sugar rises inflammation occurs, and your insulin levels become irregular. The imbalance in insulin triggers certain hormones and causes breakouts.

Also, if you overwhelm your liver with too much sugar, it is unable to effectively filter all the toxins you run into during the day. As a result of toxin overload, your skin will act as a last-ditch effort to release it from your skin. In other words acne and breakouts.

Try replacing refined sugar and starches with fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Your body will thank you!

Try a salad made of fresh berries and kale/spinach.

Dull Complexion:

If your skin looks dull and gray even in the middle of summer, consider the following. You could be eating too much fat, and your skin literally isn’t being fed properly. Remember your skin sheds about 30,000 to 40,000 cells on a daily basis.

Eating deeply colored fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods provide you with essential nutrients. Carrots and sweet potatoes are high in vitamin-A which is needed for skin cell reproduction. Oranges, broccoli, and kale are wonderful sources of vitamin C to produce collagen.

Brighten up your skin by sleeping 8 hours and eating foods high in Vitamin-A and Vitamin-C.

Dark Under-Eye Circles:

Dark circles could be a result of stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep but also a result of adrenal exhaustion, which can be caused by your diet. An excess of caffeine, sugar, or not eating enough can cause stress in your adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands are located near your kidneys and help your body control blood sugar, and blood pressure, and burn fat and protein. It also serves as a sensor for illness or injury.

Another cause for dark circles can be a food allergy or sensitivity, so be sure to check with your doctor if your symptoms continue.

Try broccoli and brussels sprouts for vitamin K which help with blood coagulation and circulation.

Plenty of Fluids:

Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated during the summer is extremely important. When you sweat, your body relies on fluids to remove toxins from your skin. Health authorities recommend 2 liters or half a gallon of water a day. Also, keep in mind that carbonated soft drinks dehydrate you. Because they contain sugar and caffeine, it does not replace any of the fluids you are losing from sweating.

Green tea is not only refreshing but also packed with antioxidants.

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*Content found in the UnitWise blog is for informational purposes only. UnitWise is an independent business with no affiliation to Mary Kay®.*


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