Expert Advice for Quickly Building Your Unit

As a successful Unit Leader, you need enthusiasm, passion, and confidence, but you already have those things so what else does it take to grow your unit? Here is expert advice for quickly building your unit!

Expert Advice for Quickly Building Your Unit

Since you have worked hard to hit and exceeded your monthly goals consistently, now it is time to continue your journey by climbing the MK ladder. Achieving camaraderie and building a strong MK Unit is hard work, but one you can achieve! You must have a vision, focus on recruiting, constantly generate leads, prepare your Unit for success, acknowledge your Unit’s achievements, and build on forward momentum. 

1. Visualize Your MK Unit Growing!

Before you contact anyone, you need to create a vision for what you want to achieve. Having a clear and concise vision is imperative for setting goals for your unit and yourself. For obvious reasons you need to know where you are going before you get started. As a leader, it is your responsibility to call people to action by your vision of the future.

2. Constantly Recruit New Members Into Your MK Unit!

I understand that getting your first recruit can feel like an uphill battle, but the key to obtaining your first unit member is to openly share the opportunity and point out how MK can benefit them. The best way to get someone to consider the opportunity seriously is to address them as an individual. What would pique their interest? The product discounts, work flexibility, or MK’s Christian message?

The keyword for recruiting: Patience. The unspoken truth is that it could take up to 12 separate conversations for someone to take the leap and sign up. Remember to answer any and all questions honestly without applying pressure and always remain patient.

3. Continuously Generate Leads For Your MK Unit!

Seek out talented people you wish to work with and invite them to learn more by attending a virtual party or by joining your next MK party. Have your attendees play a game that encourages them to ask you questions about your job instead of reciting a well-rehearsed pitch. As I have stated in the previous step to find fun, talented, motivated people you wish to work with will require a focused strategy of continually asking and following up.

4. Prepare Your MK Unit For Success!

Growing your team and ensuring everyone is on the same page is an essential part of your daily schedule. Having a private Facebook group set for your team is one way to achieve this or use MyUnitBuzz to manage, track sales, and provide encouragement or aid unit members in distress. Alternatively, you can post messages to recognize the achievements of your unit members. Whichever method you decide to implement always remain approachable, engaging, and helpful while providing training tools that will help them succeed.

Also, consider scheduling a monthly conference call. Every UnitWise account member has access to our free conference calling feature. Connecting with your team over a call helps to further your relationship, and it is an opportunity to bounce ideas off each other. Find what works and what doesn’t when it comes to setting up parties and selling in general.

5. Acknowledge Your MK Units’ Achievements!

Acknowledge the achievement, efforts, and progress of your unit members. Use MyUnitBuzz to post a shout-out to your unit or create fun graphics to post on Facebook. Supplying various training materials or publishing a video of you explaining how to boost your confidence and sales. When your unit members are happy and feel they are well trained they are more likely to share their experiences and encourage their friends and family to join in.

Also, focus on what your unit members do well and not on the negative. This way they will take your advice as constructive criticism and not an attack on their performance. Successful leaders are caring and empathetic you are an influencer in the lives of your unit members, and it is important to act as such.

6. Build Your MK Unit On Momentum!

Challenge your team with monthly sales goals, cute letters with motivational quotes, or a small gift. Think about what brings a smile to your face and make it your mission to pay it forward and you will receive everything you gave tenfold from your growing unit.

As your unit members work hard throughout the month in pursuit of their monthly goals be sure to recognize and celebrate their achievements. No matter if it is a significant or minor achievement be sure to take the time each month to post a shout-out to every member of your unit.

Start Recruiting Today!

As you grow your MK Unit, we know that UnitWise will be a great asset to your business! Designed specifically for NSDs and Directors, UnitWise is an all-inclusive MK business management solution featuring everything from sales and inventory reporting to unit management. If you want to grow your business, take the first step and sign-up for your free 15-day trial with UnitWise today!

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*Content found in the UnitWise blog is for informational purposes only. UnitWise is an independent business with no affiliation to Mary Kay®.


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