Here is The Secret to Improving Your Party Bookings

One of the fastest ways to expand your client base is through parties. But, the big question is how to book more parties without sounding pushy. Today we are going to go over some amazing techniques you can use to turn no’s into “who do you know?” Here is the secret to improving your party bookings.

Here is The Secret to Improving Your Party Bookings

First things first, you need to be interested in your clients and potential hostesses. This is incredibly easy now that we have social media, especially Facebook. Start a conversation or comment on one of their recent posts. Make sure it is a personal post about their family vacation, new home, wedding, or just anything other than a reshare or thread.

Everyone Loves a Compliment

After you have shown interest in them without mentioning your business you should share a genuine and sincere compliment that relates to makeup or fashion. Think about the qualities you admire about the individual or what would make them a wonderful hostess.

Using a compliment as your segway helps to relieve the feeling that you are being overly salesy or pushy. However, complimenting a particular dress is not the same as giving a real compliment. Instead, try complimenting their fashion sense or possibly how amazing that particular color looks on them.


“I immediately thought of you because……..”
You are so fun and creative.
You have the most amazing fashion and style sense.

Exclusive VIP Offer

Invite your client to be a VIP hostess. Let them know that this is an extremely exclusive opportunity that you only give to a select number of top clients or friends. Finish this offer with an incentive to close the deal. Either a higher discount rate or additional free merchandise.


“I have put together a small, close net group of my favorite clients to show off the new MK summer collection, and you are one of them! I would love to give you some special gifts, including ……..” (Include something from the new summer collection)

There is an Element of Fun

Fun and creative themes
help to bring in not only your clients but their friends as well. Use a theme to connect to the season or products you want to focus on during the party. Following the calendar will also help you to organize and plan your events for the year.


Sunday Funday by the Pool
Throwback Thursday
Sassy Saturday
Thankful Thursday
Traffic Tuesday
Get Your Acne Under Control on This Humpday 

Always Close With a Question

When you close with an open-ended question you are helping yourself to discover what the obstacle is.


What days would work best for you?
How does that sound?

Who Do You Know?

If their answer is a hard no be sure to thank them for their honesty, but then turn around ask them if they know anyone who would be interested. Makeup parties might not be their thing but what about their friends and family?

Continuing Your Makeup Education

Our goal at UnitWise is to provide you with expert makeup, beauty, and business advice to help your #MK business succeed. For more beauty advice click here. We are always ready to help you grow your MK business.

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*Content found on the UnitWise blog is for informational purposes only. UnitWise is an independent business with no affiliation to Mary Kay®.


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