How to Increase Facebook Engagement and Grow Your Business

Are you ever confused when one of your posts gain a ton of likes and comments while another is left unloved? There are so many ideas out there on how you can “trick” Facebook, but unfortunately, Zuckerberg’s creation is smart and way ahead of any scheme. Learn how to increase Facebook engagement and grow your business!

How to Increase Facebook Engagement and Grow Your Business

Be Original

We are all guilty of recycling graphics and posts we find online from other MK Directors and Consultants. This seems okay for the short term but unfortunately, it is not your voice, and your community will notice.

Consider this. If the MK community posts the same image or the same content, your clients are seeing the same thing multiple times and will scroll by your post. Find themes and topics that will get your clients talking. Expand on ideas and be creative! Make your graphics and chat with the members of your Facebook group, this will help you to build your voice and grow your community.

Know Your Audience

Research your Facebook friends and group to learn what days and times get the best engagement. Take notes over the course of a few weeks and tweak your content and post schedule. Is the best time early in the morning before they go to work or Sunday afternoon?

Get to know your audience and what days/times are best for getting views and traction.

Engage With Your Clients

Let’s be honest there are lots of makeup brands and MK consultants who are trying to reach your clients. Your biggest challenge is adding value to already marvelous products to keep your community coming back. An excellent way for you to add value to your business is by offering makeup advice and tutorials.

Start small, each week build on what you did the previous week. As your posts gain interest and people start commenting be sure to reply and engage with your clients; it will make a huge difference. Show your clients you are watching, interested, and you care about them.

Follow these tips to grow your business through engagement, knowledge, and originality. Learning how to use Facebook to grow your business is critical to your success. In today's society so much of our lives are spent online it makes sense we use social media to connect with people and business.

Your Heroes at UnitWise hope you found this post helpful and informative. Like, comment, and share this post with your unit to help with their growth! It is crucial for each person in your unit to know and understand the importance of social media and how it can impact the reach of their businesses.


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